We are extremely excited to welcome Dr Kristina Keitel and Dr Noemie Boillat-Blanco as the clinical directors of LiGHT!
Between them, they run multi-site international randomized control trials recruiting thousands of patients and cover the fields of pediatric and adult medicine in high and low resource settings and humanitarian response.
To deliver on the LiGHT mission of using informatics and data science to create implementable digital health tools designed to provably improve healthcare in resource-limited settings: we need a dedicated clinical team.
Together, we have developed a portfolio of observational and interventional studies for translational digital global health such as
LUSSTER: Lung UltraSound and Sound in TB endemic regions (1000 adult patients in South Africa, Namibia and Benin) led by MD-Ph.D. candidates Veronique Suttels and Jacques Du Toit
IMCI-PLUS: Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses with Pulmonary Lung Ultrasound (1000 pediatric patients in South Africa and Tanzania) led by MD-Ph.D. candidate Jacques Du Toit
PLUSS-IS-LESS: Pulmonoary Lung Ultrasound for the Management of Pneumonia in Adults (3000 adult patients in 10 hospitals across Switzerland)
Looking forward to reporting updates from the field soon!