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🤖🐘🌴Meditron ni shashaa!

(🔁“Meditron is the business” in Sheng, a highly evolving dialect under constant creative development by the Nairobi youth…and also how our new multilingual4lowresourcelanguages Meditron LLM greeted the clinical validation team in Kenya! 😎


Last week, I had the pleasure of visiting the University of Nairobi and Kenyatta National Hospital. to launch the Kenyan MOOVE: a Massive Online Open Validation and Evaluation initiative to align medical LLMs to local contexts across the full spectrum of medical specialties, populations, resource availabilities, and epidemiologies.


Thank you, Paul Macharia, for your warm welcome, energetic collaboration, and friendship. We are excited to learn from your inspiring team about equitable care for disability (Lee Ngugi James Onkoba), therapeutic nutrition (Zipporah Bukania-Apungu), NTDs, pediatric HIV, and so much more! 

All these topics need creatively pragmatic local adaptation to align with cultural expectations and resource constraints while achieving the highest standards of care. This is the kind of insight we hope to capture with MOOVE.

Asante sana, Dean George Osanjo, Vice Dean CF Oteino, and Prof John Kinuthia, for your insightful conversations. Both Meditron and our team look forward to learning from you and becoming part of the Nairobi family.

P.S. While I regularly take moto rides... none are quite as hair-raising/existential as the boda-bodas of Nairobi...🛵💨💨

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